Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday musings

I think the cold/sickness that has been in the house for the past 3 weeks or so seems to be clearing up. Poor Nate was sick for the whole week before Thanksgiving and only on Friday started to feel better. We ate our Thanksgiving meal at Lino's parents house, and then went ot my dad's for dessert

On Saturday, we did the first of 3 PTO fundraising dates at Borders. We have the opportunity to man the gift wrapping table and have donation buckets. Our first shift went well. We wrapped maybe 7 things, but raised $170.38! Isn't that amazing? I found it very interesting, all the different people who would walk by and put money in the buckets that the kids were holding. There were also people who would double back to donate after hearing our cause, to put books on the empty shelves at our library. We have 2 more dates, the 13th and 20th of this month, and I am very hopeful that we will raise as much if not more each time!

After the fundraising, we met with some cousins who were up from New York. We went to go see the Christmas lights at LaSallette Shrine. I took a bunch of pictures using the night mode, but not that many turned out. I will have to post some in a bit. It was fun though, hanging out and we are excited to see them again at Christmas.

I have begun night weaning Nate. He is not happy at all about it, either. Poor little guy. I just figured that I need to start stopping the middle of the night drinks, so by the time Santa comes, stopping the falling asleep one shouldn't be as difficult. I feel so bad, when he is crying and screaming....but, I am sticking to it, I am mostly(98%) ready to be done, so it is time. :(

I need to start jotting down what I want to post about. I know I had other stuff to mention, I am drawing a blank right now, though.

Anyhow. Happy December.

1 comment:

Leia H said...

I'm glad everyone is getting healthy finally! Ryan has that 100 day cough and I feel so bad for him (most of the time).

Best wishes in the night weaning - I'm sure that's hard on you. I was lucky to have Delphina do that on her own at a young age.