Monday, March 30, 2009

Shred, Sewing, and Seriously???

Well, Day 8 of Shred, and it isn't as hard as the first few days. Yesterday we went shopping to get proper sneakers and hand weights. I haven't had real sneakers in years, just basic Keds, and that is like being barefoot to work out. Since I didn't have weights when I started, I was using 2 1 1/2 liter bottles filled with water, and those were about 2 1/2 pounds each. I got 3 pound weights, and that was definitely better.

I am excited that I am noticing a difference on the scale. This morning I was at 150. Yay. That is 16 pounds lost since December. Admittedly, 10 of that happened when Nate stopped nursing and I was sick for a month and didn't really eat. Weight loss is loss, though, so yay. I am shooting for 130-135, and if I can start eating better, it may happen.

Sewing: I have the patterns that I need all traced and cut out. I am going to start cutting all the fabric today, and hope to start sewing mid week. I am excited, the fabric is cheery and bright. I will try to remember to take pictures as I go.


Seriously??!? A couple of weeks ago, Lino's car died. It had been giving him problems, but the mechanic said it should be fine. He was on his way to work in the morning, and luckily not that far away when it died. He was able to make it home and we managed to get it back to the mechanic. The diagnosis: transmission shot. All of the possible scenarios to fix it are expensive. Replace gskets and hope the head isn't cracked, get a rebuilt trans. or a new one.

We are fortunate that he was able to use his mom's car while his was at the shop. And, his parents bought a new car, so we could use their old one until we figure out what we were going to do.

Lino was on his way home from work on Saturday, when all of the wheels locked up. Luckily, he wasn't on the highway (he said he probably would have been killed) and he was in front of a brake place. They look at it and say, it's done. Cracked head mounts. And because it is as old as it is (a 1990) it really isn't worth fixing.

Seriously?!? 2 cars in 2 weeks? Who put a hex on us? Can it please be lifted? And, the car is 30 miles away, and our AAA membership lapsed (I never got a renewal notice), so that means we can't upgrade our membership to get free towing..... I am going to try calling and plead with them, we have been members for 5 years.

It needs to get better....


Leia H said...

Congrats on the weight loss, no matter how most of it came off. I hope the exercise pays off for you! It sounds scary though...shredding...ouch!

Too bad about the car business. Things always seem to happen in bundles. We replaced our furnace and our AC within 6 months of moving in here...eek!

Lanny said...

OH NO! What a mess with those cars! I hope AAA will work with you.

Yea on the weight loss. That's fabulous! :)

Do you make custom taggie blankets? Lolly is obsessed with tags. I'm looking for a mild (as in not flashy patterns) one that we can take with us to church.