Friday, March 21, 2008


So what is your favorite Easter Candy? You can pick more than one!

I will admit, I am a huge fan of Marshmallow peeps. Especially when the pack has been opened and they start to get a bit stale!

PeepResearch funny, in a disturbing kind of way....not cool, to torture the peeps!

So the Easter Bunny will be hiding eggs and leaving baskets this year. I think it will only be a chocolate bunny, and maybe a small toy or book. The kids don't really like the sugar based candies, and we still have Hershey's Kisses from Valentine's Day left. (shocking, right?)


Lori said...

My favorite are the big Reese's PB eggs, a no-no in your house probably! :) I tried peeps with the girls last year and they didn't like them...maybe they are chocolate lovers like their mom!

Jeannie said...

Yeah, no pb in our house!THough I love reeses! Have you tried Trader Joes pb cups??? YUM!

The kids don't really like the sugar based candies, jellybeans, etc. They prefer chocolate!

Leia H said...

Oh I was going to say Cadbury Eggs, but I'm changing my mind for the PB Reese's eggs! NUMMY! They are pricey though! :( My aunt eats the Peeps way stale and I prefer them fluffy! :)