Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing catch up

Wow, it is almost halfway through August. Where does the time go?

Lino was on vacation for the first week. We had plans to finish scraping/painting the house. It rained pretty much the whole week.

We did a bunch of errands, put up Nate's bedroom furniture, converted Maggie and Cassie's beds into bunk beds. I still have to get pictures of their rooms. Maybe later today.

We took the kids bowling. Very fun. Although, we did have to remind them that real bowling is different than Wii bowling. They did really well, though. It was cute. There were only a couple of balls that went the wrong direction. Maggie and Cassie tried really hard to roll the balls the right way. Nate would kind of drop/push his and then turn right around and run back to the seats to watch.

Unlike when we went mini-golfing, I brought the camera. I was playing with settings, though, so not all of the shots were fabulous.

Finding balls that they could pick up (6 lbs)



