Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Full moon on the internet?

Back in April when I started researching embroidery machines, I discovered some sewing forums. Seemed like a lot of friendly, super talented and creative people. The projects that were being posted were just amazing, and once I knew what machine I was getting, I started downloading free embroidery designs. (that have been beautiful to stitch)

Well, apparently there is a lot of dramatic back history, because within the last month, the one forum has kind of blown up. People who have seemingly done nothing wrong, getting banned; moderators deleting posts for their own personal agenda, administrators just sticking their heads in the sand hoping it will all go away. It is just crazy. Like a car wreck, you just can't help but read it, and it is sad, because 1) these are all adults, acting like 8th grade girls and 2) lost sewing time! The forum has a 'weird' feel to it now.

I find it strange, too, because another completely unrelated forum I frequent is having its own drama right now.....


Insomiknitac said...

ever check out ?

Jeannie said...

I have not, but I will now! thanks!

I like, too.

Leia H said...

I think it's something in the water. Eventually it reaches even the tightest knit groups!