Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas fun

Christmas was so much fun. Maggie was the first one up. She came to get me, telling me that Santa left something in our stockings. I got up and went down to the living room with her, and she was right--Santa came.

It was still very early considering what time the kids went to bed the night before, so Maggie and I hung out and had our chocolate milk while we waited for Cassie and Papa and Nate to wake up. Cassie was the next one up, and Nate and Lino were last. The girls were super about being patient and waiting.
The girls were excited to read the card that Santa left for them, thanking them for the chocolate milk and honey bee cookies. Maggie asked if I drank the milk-'oh no, honey, that was Santa's chocolate milk. I put it out before I went to bed, I didn't see Santa'. (they put out the cookies, but we waited on the milk so it wouldn't get warm) Lino suggested the honey bee cookies instead of chocolate chip ;)

Nate was a little unsure about opening presents. He had to be 'helped' with the ones he did open. He was very excited about finding Ernie in his wish box.

Maggie had a trumpet in her wish box, along with some purple hair bows. Cassie got the new pink bows she wished for, along with a clarinet. Santa also put a harmonica in Nate's. Fun! Santa brought new slippers for the kids. Nate was so fond of his, that he refused to leave the house to go to my dad's in sneakers. He wore his 'melmo' slippers instead!

Maggie loves her new dinosaurs! I love that they have their own bucket to keep them in!

Taking a break to try out the new markers and paper that Santa brought. Thank you Santa, for making them washable markers. The marker came out of Nate's shirt and jammie pants!

Cassie got the princess carousel horse carriage that she wanted. She was very excited, and although I didn't get a picture of it, had a huge smile!

I tried to get a picture of Nate just as the horse pops out of the box. He likes it, but jumped back each time it opened.

I will post the pics of the things I made for my dad and sister later. It is very late and I should get some sleep! Lino is working an overnight --I don't sleep well when he is gone.

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